Saito Video Call is a peer-to-peer, end-to-end encrypted video conferencing tool for everyday use. The software is fully decentralized and does not rely on any central servers. Users enjoy:
Just create the call and share the link with a friend and enjoy the fully featured application. There is no network middleman to constrain bandwidth or features. Open source code which connects P2P, secured by the Saito Network puts users in the driver's seat.
In addition to direct calls, video calls also come with chat channels, and support standard use cases like sharing presentations. You can also now swarmcast your video calls to turn private calls into realtime public broadcasts.
Video Call can be accessed directly via the above link or through the slide-in menu that is visible in Red Square and other applications.
Saito Video Call uses WebRTC to negotiate direct P2P connections between clients. The Saito Blockchain and routing network serve as the coordation layer both to authenticate users and to perform peer discovery, as well as provide incentives to any nodes hosting STUN/TURN services.
Because the coordation layer and application are completely open protocols, users, developers and security researchers can all enjoy, leverage and audit the same robust infrastructure without the hassle of a privatized middleman service like Zoom extorting money, privacy and sanity.