The following standard describes the expected functionality available to javascript applications installed into the javascript Saito client. This standard provides basic functionality that allow modules to interact with the blockchain, process messages received over the blockchain, as well as handle common user-interface needs.
Field | Value |
Author | David Lancashire |
Status | Published |
Type | Protocol Standard |
Created | January 8, 2021 |
Applications exist in standalone directories in the /mods
directory. The name of the directory should be the lowercase, alphanumeric version of the application name without hyphens or spaces. I.e. the Arcade
module should be installed at /mods/arcade
, and the AppStore
module should be installed at /mods/appstore
Within their directory, all applications share the same basic directory structure:
The only necessary file is the appname.js
file, which should share its name with the parent directory. I.e. the main class for the Encrypt
module is thus /mods/encrypt/encrypt.js
. If additional files are needed they should be included in the /src
or lib
or docs
Optional directory to place additional javascript files.
Optional directory for documentation and license information.
Optional directory for database definition files (sqlite3 format). Saito clients with database support will automatically create a sqlite3 database (/data/appname.sq3
) on installation if there are table definition files in this directory.
Optional directory for JS / HTML / CSS files. Saito clients with HTTP support will serve these files from the subdirectory of the application name (i.e.
) with index.html
as the default file to serve.
Optional directory for pre-compiled files. Some modules like Red Imperium
are "compiled" into a single javascript file prior to release. Including the source files in this /src
directory will prevent errors bundling the entire Saito codebase into a single javascript file or code-duplication when compiling.
In the /config
directory you'll find a file named modules.config.js
. This file is created from a default file we make available, but is not overwritten if it already exists. To customize which modules are installed you will need to edit this file.
The /config/modules.config.js
file contains two lists of modules: core
and lite
. Any modules included in the core
list will run on the server when you start it. Any modules included in the lite
list will be compiled into the bundled javascript file that is made available to browsers by default.
Once your module is in the config file you should run ./compile nuke which will compile the file saito.js
and copy it into the web directory at /web/saito/saito.js
. The core code will serve this file at localhost:12101/saito/saito.js. If your application starts from a standalone webpage, this file should be included in the index.html file in the /web
directory in your module.
The server can then be started by running npm run dev
Publishing an application involves compressing it into a .zip file and publishing that zip file the network by attaching it to a special transactions. AppStores listening on the network monitor the blockchain for these types of transactions and elect to index new applications or update existing ones as they are published.
The easiest way to publish an application is to go into the application directory and compress the contents of that directory into a .zip file (zip -r .
). The AppStore module is bundled with most Saito Wallets. It creates a panel in the Dev application that will automatically create a Saito transaction with this format:
tx.msg = {
module: "AppStore",
request: "submit module",
name: appname
AppStores will index your application, identifying it with a unique ID created by hashing the timestamp and signature of the transaction you created containing the application payload. Users download the application by fetching the full transaction, and can verify the application is signed and the code has not been altered before installing it locally. Some AppStores offer remote app-compilation as a service.
All modules should extend from a class in the /lib/templates
directory. The most basic module should inherit from the /lib/saito/templates/modtemplate
file. The most basic requirement for a valid module is a constructor and name as follows:
const ModTemplate = require('../../lib/templates/modtemplate');
class ModuleName extends ModTemplate {
constructor(app) {
super(app); = "ModuleName";
module.exports = ModuleName;
The following variables may also be defined within the constructor:
Variable Name | Variable Type | Description |
name | String | the name of the application |
description | String | a brief description of the application |
categories | String | application categories |
slug | String | custom slug (alphanumeric, lowercase) |
events | Array | list of events to which this module listens |
installModule(app) {}
app - reference to the Saito application object.
(OPTIONAL) This function will be run the first time Saito initializes after the module is loaded. If you override this function and still wish your application to handle default on-install functionality, call the super.installModule(app) function within your own.
initialize(app) {}
app - reference to the Saito application object.
(OPTIONAL) This function is run every time the module is initialized. Note that all modules are initialized every time that Saito loads, not just the module with which the user is interacting. So this function is executed every time Saito initializes.
initializeHTML(app) {}
app - reference to the Saito application object.
(OPTIONAL) This function is run whenever the HTML/DOM is initialized in an application the user is seeking to interact with. It is the recommended place to manipulate the DOM and add new components.
attachEvents(app) {}
app - reference to the Saito application object.
(OPTIONAL) This function is run after initializeHTML(app)
is executed in an application that the user has loaded to interact with through a web interface. It is traditionally used to attach events to DOM objects every time the module is initialized.
async onConfirmation(blk, tx, conf, app) {}
blk - the block which has just been added to the chain
tx - the transaction being processed
conf - the number of confirmations this transaction is receiving
app - reference to the Saito application object
(OPTIONAL) This function is executed whenever a transaction receives an additional confirmation (conf). The first time it is executed conf will be provided as 0 rather than 1. The transaction is provided along with the block which contained the transaction. The block may or may not have the other transaction-level information stored depending on its depth in the chain.
onNewBlock(blk, lc) {}
blk - the block which has just been added to the chain
lc - is this block part of the longest chain (0 or 1)
(OPTIONAL) This function is executed whenever a new block is added to the chain. Modules can overwrite this function to take action when blocks are received. It differs from onConfirmation in that it will be triggered by any blocks, not just those that add to the longest-chain.
onChainReorganization(bid, bsh, lc, pos) {}
bid - the id / height of the block being reorganized
bsh - the hash of the block being reorganized
lc - 1 if block moved onto the longest chain, 0 if removed
pos - the position of the block in the blockchain.index
(OPTIONAL) This function is executed whenever there is a chain reorganization. This means it is also executed when a new block is added to the chain. The most common use-case is putting code here that executes when a transaction is received.
shouldAffixCallbackToModule(modname, tx=null) {}
modname - the name of the module, as identified by its name variable
tx - the transaction containing the module
RETURNS boolean (1 or 0)
(OPTIONAL) This function is executed to see if a module wishes to process a specific transaction. It is handed the modname (name of the module specified in the txmsg.module field) along with the full transaction in case it wishes to apply more complicated criteria. By default this will pass through transactions that are addressed to the module.
webServer(app, expressapp, express) {
app - the Saito application object
expressapp - the Express Webserver object
express - the Express Web Server
(OPTIONAL) The default version of this function examines the module directory to see if it contains a /web
folder and -- if so -- hooks up the routing on the main server so that this directory is hosted at that address, i.e.
. You may override this function to provide more advanced routing logic.
respondTo(type) {}
RETURNS Object or null
type - the request-type to which our application may choose to respond
(OPTIONAL) Modules can interact by querying other modules to see if they "respondTo" specific opportunities. An example is the Saito Arcade which queries installed games which respondTo('arcade-games')
with an object. The object returns and its protocol is defined on a module-by-module basis. Modules which implement this are responding to opportunities for interactivity created by other modules.
receiveEvent(evtname, data) {}
RETURNS Object or null
evtname - the name of the event to which we respond
data - the data object emitted by the event originator
(OPTIONAL) Modules can listen to events by including the names of those events in the events Array in their constructor. Implement this function to catch those events as they are triggered. You may skip this and have your module hook manually onto the app.connector