¶ Wiki Page Edit and Suggestions
Leave a comment on any page or email us at community@saito.io.
Send a pull request to https://github.com/SaitoTech/wiki.
Forking and Cloning the Wiki Repository
- Visit https://github.com/SaitoTech/wiki
- Fork the Saito repository. This creates a copy of the repository under your github user account. (How to Fork a Repository in Github)
- After succesfully forking to your github account, clone the forked repository on your local device by running the following code in the IDE (Integrated development environment) of your choice (e.g. Visual Studio)
git clone https://github.com/<YourUserName>/demo
- Create a new branch on your forked repository
git checkout -b branch_name
- Create a new remote for the upstream repository with the command
git remote add upstream https://github.com/SaitoTech/wiki.git
Note: this line of code ensures that the original repository is in sync with the forked repository
Requesting for Pull Request on changes and approval
- Execute the following line of codes
git add name_of_file or git add
git commit -m "add commit message here
git push -u origin branch_name
- Go to Saito Pull Requests Queue to view your pull request
- Wait for the internal team to review and approve the changes
- If it has been approved, changes will automatically reflect on the wiki pages.
- You will receive an email notification from community@saito.tech on the result of the review